Friday, January 22, 2010

Using Your Dreams To Become Your Self

In this ascension process you might have come to realize and accept that you are a multi-dimensional being. You are living many "lives" simultaneously, right this minute.

This fact may have come to you like a packet of light bursting open above your head.

It might have come as an experience of your heart opening in a big way.

It might have come in your mind's vision. You might have actually seen yourself living, acting, feeling, being, in an environment other than this one. In a setting of "the past", "the present", or "the future". You might have looked like you do now, or you might have looked slightly different or you might have looked way different. But you know it's you.

Or, the fact might have come to you because of a dream.

As stunning as it can be to realize that you are a multidimensional being, there's an even bigger discovey ahead. As if heightened mobility like multidimensionality weren't gift enough, you get more: the opportunity to become healed and whole. And to experience the new level of living that goes with that.

Here's an example. When you wake up from a dream and clearly remember it, you see yourself in the dream interacting with others and doing whatever you're doing.

But while you are dreaming, do you clearly remember that you are actually asleep in your place right here on earth in this time period?

It's beneficial to remember that, and quite possible.

Because something happens when your other you 's - in dreams or otherwise - start becoming aware of the you right here.

When your other you's start to remember that they are you, you all begin to unify. And when you start coming together, pulling your selves together, you gain energetically. You begin to be one whole being instead of multiple splinters. You all become more of your Higher Self. You regain your natural abilities that have gone unused for so long. Abilities that once seemed possible only in legends and tales.

As the process of integration continues you start to take more charge of your experiences. Happily, you've already started taking charge of your experiences to an increasing degree. The synchronicities and miracles showing up in your life are evidence of that.

But now you have another tool - dreams - to give you yet another boost. You can use your dream time in every 24 hour cycle to enhance your becoming. Then things will move even faster. Which is helpful if you plan to stay in this accelerated time as long as possible.

Once you're in charge of your experiences more than you're the effect of them, everything changes. Once you are the concious creator of what goes on in your world, you're over the hurdle. You've pretty much won the game.

Before you go to sleep say, "While I'm dreaming, I'm going to remember who I am." Eventually during dreams you will have concious awareness that you are here on earth, dreaming of yourself in one of your other life experiences. That you in the other life experience is a gold mine of energy that you can integrate into yourself, and the other you can integrate you into him/herself. It's all you.

Now is the time to conciously remember all of who you are and not forget it again. You're going to use this information more and more. We have loads of help with this and any other effort to move ourselves up. Ask for help from whomever you trust. You have loving friends all around who are waiting for a word from you, just waiting for you to ask.

Love to all..

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