Sunday, October 4, 2009


Wherever you go, whatever you do, You are becoming more and more You. This is a bonus of the amazing change this density is experiencing. People haven't been able to be wholly themselves and only themselves for tens of thousands of years. But now we're in the time.

Being one's Self is a gift beyond measure. In your Self lies a powerhouse of potential and it's all yours. Every one has this creative potential and there's more than enough stuff in the universe to satisfy every person's dreams. Again, becoming Yourself is an immeasurable gift and now is when the gift is making itself felt.

We are walking around in the time of all times. The time when uplift and spontaneous evolution are available to all, not just to the privileged elite who knew it was possible. This is the period that's been alluded to and predicted for many, many thousands of years. Congratulations, you're here, you're in it, and you're finally becoming You. If you don't want this evolution, you can step away from it. But hurry.

The person you're becoming now is a new creation. It's a blend of your Higher Self and your everyday self. This blending has happened before but not in our wave. With this new creation, the part of you that knows how you want to live is taking over. In general, you are getting into alignment with your Self. And your Self is magnificent.

How can you tell? Well for one thing, worry is slipping away from you. You might become aware of the fact that you worry less than you used to. You're letting go of worry and it is also being pulled from you. There will be no bad repercussions from your cessation of worrying. Your life will manage without it.

Think about this. A whole hour with no worries. Even a whole day. Unfathomable, until it begins to happen to you and you notice it. A worry free existence - even in little pieces at a time to begin with - is almost too much to imagine. But the "almost" shows that as a species, we've already taken a huge step forward from what used to be a wholly and categorically worry-filled existence.

Your higher self is fluffing off extraneous information that no longer serves you. It's stripping your life down to the essentials. And those essentials are simple, brilliant, powerful, and awe inspiring. Worry is one of the first things being jettisoned. It was dead weight and in the way. It was so prevalent and useless that it had to be disposed of in the first round.

In the current stripping down phase you'll see a lot of energy that is not in synchroniziation with you. You'll see it leaving you. Things, situations, people, and all the worries attendant with each of these are moving out.

You may fear loss once you see so much exiting your life. But eventually fear will go too. So there's nothing to worry about even there.

Being tenacious, fear will resist and resist till it realizes it's been cut loose. Then it will throw worry at us, but the worry won't stick, won't have any purchase. There will be nothing for worry to attach to.

Do you see how it works? First worry goes, and then "problems" go. Not vice versa.

You can stop micro managing your affairs, if that's not your interest. There is less and less for you to micro manage. Situations are smoothing out. People in your life are aligning to your model. If they aren't, they're leaving you. You won't worry much, and you might find that odd. In fact in some cases, you'll barely care. You might think Now why did I ever think I needed that person or that situation? The thing is, you are not who you were then, so it all fits.

No one is taking over except You. And it's high time.

It's a process. Can you see yourself 10 years ago? What were your major concerns then? How did you deal with them? How did you feel throughout?

Can you compare yourself today to that person you were 10 years ago? Even if you were a child then. How have you changed? Do you feel more tension or less? Do you feel more sure or more uncertain? Do you feel your life is moving faster than then, the same as then, or slower than then?

Whatever your answers, you're changing and not just in an Oh that's to be expected kind of way. Your master builder has at last arrived and it is managing your entire project.

You can exhale. Sit back and watch. Do all you feel you need to do, but allow yourself some observation room. You will see a show more fascinating than any Hollywood movie. If you can maintain the objectivity, you will have a very, very, valuable experience by just Looking at what is happening in your life at this dynamic time.

Love to all,

A Word About Mondays

How do you feel about Mondays? Do you dread them? Do you hate them? Do you feel anger and resentment when you think of yet another beginning of yet another week of doing what you absolutely do not want to do? (If this isn't you, read no further).

Do you expend a considerable amount of your energy on Sunday creating a thick, murky pool of "I hate Monday" sentiment?

You know it's our thoughts about Monday that are so unpleasant, not so much Monday itself. The universe doesn't distinguish Monday from any other day. The universe isn't even cognizant of days as we know them. We make Mondays and Monday mornings - they don't exist in Reality.

So what do we get out of hating Monday? Well, we get to wallow. That can feel comforting. Wallowing in a sty of dread can feel comforting. Especially if you have people to commiserate with on this. It's especially gratifying to immerse oneself in these kinds of thoughts when our neighbors are doing the exact same thing, behind their walls. We're all on one page together, successfully creating a huge black cloud around our buildings, our streets, our cities. It's a community of sorts.

But what if some part of us is fed up with spending energy hating Monday. What if some part of us says well, 20 years of dreading Mondays, that's just about my fill. I'm not noticing that my hatred of Mondays has made them go away. I'm not noticing it has made things better. I'm not seeing that it's done anything except give me a sense of being cocooned from Monday. However, I like that sense. I'd rather have that feeling than...what?

Maybe we don't know what because we haven't yet allowed ourselves to experience an actual Monday!

Why not? Some of these pop up: Will something bad happen to us if we stop beating ourselves up about Monday? Would we be admitting defeat? Will we lose our identity? Our self determination? Will we be all alone? Will we lose our integrity and become mindless pawns of the corporations or the state? Is our grumbling and grousing working to our benefit - working to save us from an empty life? An empty death?

Sure it's a game. It's just easy to forget that. Part of our mind thinks up a threat, offers a horrid solution to the threat, then comfortingly assures us we've made the right choice in adopting the solution.

It has its cumulative effects, this generating and absorbing of a dark cloud of negativity every Sunday. One of the effects is the more it's done, the more it seems that it really is providing a valuable service - our protection.

Not so. There is nothing about Monday that you need protection from; the very idea is nonsense. Monday isn't anything. It's a relief to finally see that fact. If you didn't already know this you can pretty easily find out for yourself tomorrow or any Monday you choose. (And right! This isn't only about Mondays...)

Love to all,