Remember that song?
The way it is:
You know your birthdate. (Or rather you know the date you've been told is your birthdate.)
You've been told who your parents are and who your family is.
You've been told what group you're in and what you can expect for your life as a member of that group.
You've been told what to do with your life to have a low likelihood of an overall unpleasant lifetime.
You've been told what to do with your life to have a high likelihood of an overall tolerable lifetime.
You've been told there are no guarantees in life either way.
You've been told life is a mystery.
You've been told life is a school.
You've been told life is hell.
You've been told the only things certain in life are death and taxes.
You've been told life isn't fair.
You've been told life is a veil of tears.
You've been told you'll never get out of life alive.
You've been told what the average life expectancy is for a person like you.
You've been told you need life "insurance".
You've worked hard and obeyed the rules as best you can. You've seen others who have it better than you and others who have it worse. For both instances, you have your ideas about why.
You hope you're making a difference in someone's life; you hope your stay on earth isn't totally inconsequential.
You've been told to begin now for your inevitable death that will happen sometime in the future.
You hope your death will be relatively peaceful. You hope you will have prepared for it in such a way that there is little to no financial disruption for others.
It pleases you to think of leaving your valuable things to those you feel will appreciate them.
It pleases you to think of at last going to a better place. Where there will be an absence of pain and problems.
That's one way it is. But you don't have to believe it.
Another way it is:
You have already died.
Right in the same body you now occupy, your spirit has already died. It has transformed.
And right in the same body you now occupy, your spirit has been born anew.
Your death and renewal have happened not once or twice but many times since you've been alive. Since your original birth into the body you now occupy.
Maybe you've been sensing something like this, especially lately.
Inside or bodies, in our spirit, we are continually being reborn.
The verb "to die" does not pertain to spirit. It's hard to picture deathlessness in the case of getting born again because we've been told that logic dictates that a rebirth must be preceded by a death. But getting reborn does not involve death as we usually think of death.
What's spiritual rebirth like? It's like an ongoing refreshing, an ongoing flowing up, purifying, and charging of your spirit. Feels Good and Right because it is Good and Right. It's you.
It's like having a warm spring rain shower down on you; it's like being in a fountain..
No, it's more like actually being a fountain. One that pours up, rains down, pours up, rains down. Circles up, down, and all around on itself. It's a cycle, but there's no recycling of anything. Everything is new every time. Everything is for the first time. That's you.
A vessel continually changing yet never changing. It's a cascade. Fresh, fresh, fresh, in every instant. That's you.
Everytime abundant, everytime so much more than enough. No depletion. That's you.
What it can mean for us:
We're eternal.
Worldy situations do not affect us, period. Doesn't matter what we're told or how many times. Much of the information we're given is the exact opposite of the way it is. The information is designed for a tightly controlled and very temporary human existence on earth. That's all.
We're not running out of anything. We're not stuck on anything. It can look to us like we are. Can feel like it too. That's our human view and our human feeling. But that's not the way it is.
The appearance and feeling of running on empty or being stuck or not having enough do not last. They can hurt tremendously for quite a while and they can generate a lot of human activity. But they do not last.
If something doesn't last it is temporary. And if it is temporary, it is not real. It is not the way it is.
Are we really going to "die" "someday" or is somebody just telling us we will? So we don't notice that we are continually dying and getting reborn. So we don't notice that death as a final end is an idea someone invented and uses as a control.
The body you occupy, what will become of it "someday"? Do you know for sure? Do you have a choice in what becomes of it? It's a nice idea to bring the body into the conversation and ask it what it would like to do too.
Used to be only the wise men knew they had a choice in what happens to the body. But the secret's out now. And things don't ever have to be the same again.
One's time to start thinking about whether you want to think about this or not.
Love to all..
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
It Is Really Happening Now
The Change is hitting a new a peak this summer of 2010. I'm feeling it and maybe you are too. Not since September 2009 has there been such a tangible shift.
December 2012 is not a time when flash! all of us will be changed in the twinkling of an eye.
No, the change is happening now. December 2012 will be a line of demarcation between what has been and is over, and where you choose to be from then on.
What's happening now is individuals are having an evolution that no other evolution can rival. Yes, many of us have ascended before in other timelines - but not like this. This particular method and the way it involves the human body is a first-timer.
To continue the What's It Like? entry of July, how about this:
It's no longer necessary to figure things out quite as much as before. You can put this statement to the test yourself if you want to. The next time you encounter a problem, try being still rather than tackling the problem.
We used to have to figure things out because we didn't Know anything.
Now that we're coming into some Knowingness, we don't have to do as much figuring, analyzing, crossing of fingers, or hoping. We can Know instead.
Saves a lot of time and wear and tear. That's what a miracle does. And Knowingness is a miracle.
For example, you've probably been in a tight spot once or twice. I was in one recently. I was stranded on a freeway in a remote area with no cell phone, no gps, no fellow passenger.
In a case like that it's the mind's job to start figuring, and figure fast.
So in comes reason, rationality, planning. Odds and percentages of getting out of the jam. In comes fear in the form of memories of old scary movies and hitch hikers and somebody knowing what I did last summer. In comes anger and self abuse about not having been prepared, like the Scouts say.
That's the way it has been and the way I defaulted to.
But the new way, the real way, is to be quiet and Know. By grace, Knowingness came over me slowly and fully and all by itself. This wouldn't have happened even a few years ago. Thank the accelerating Change.
With Knowingness you become certain of what is going on. You're clear about what is actual and what is nonsense.
Certainty and Knowingness are a comfort beyond price. When you are in them the figuring process evaporates, no longer needed. You Know. I Knew everything was just fine. Not was going to be fine but already was fine.
Have you heard stories of fighters on the battlefields of war who begin to Know, really Know, they are in mortal danger and then on the heels of that they experience a strong feeling of peace and acceptance? Knowing does that.
What we're afraid of is the things we don't Know. When we don't Know we use our imaginations to try to guess. What fuels this guessing game? Fear.
Knowingness vanquishes the fear and the game.
Here's another thing that's happening with this Ascension: there are times when people feel that they are better off without so many things. The fewer the possessions, the greater the sense of release. Of shackles coming off, of burdens being laid down.
Here's another: there are times now when people say goodbye to friends and lovers knowing that they aren't losing a thing. They realize nothing - especially love - is ever lost.
You can keep someone from you by clutching them so tightly they can't get away. Notice I said keep them from you.
But once you open your hands and release them, they're right with you. They do not belong to you but they do float right with you in the same stream you're in. Now that you've released them into the stream they're no longer strangling in your hands and inaccessible to you, like they were before.
You want them? Let them go. Even if the relationship is flourishing, let them go. Sure they can swim to a different stream. But there's only one ocean and everybody's in it together. So you haven't lost a thing.
Here's another, and the sweetest of all: You really don't need to do a thing.
You need do nothing; you just need to See something.
Words can't really say what that something is, but you'll know it when you See it. And maybe you'll giggle like one of those carvings of a beloved laughing Buddha image, whose mirth of understanding spills over and over, whose tears of joy fall graciously on those of us who were once dying of thirst.
Love to all,
December 2012 is not a time when flash! all of us will be changed in the twinkling of an eye.
No, the change is happening now. December 2012 will be a line of demarcation between what has been and is over, and where you choose to be from then on.
What's happening now is individuals are having an evolution that no other evolution can rival. Yes, many of us have ascended before in other timelines - but not like this. This particular method and the way it involves the human body is a first-timer.
To continue the What's It Like? entry of July, how about this:
It's no longer necessary to figure things out quite as much as before. You can put this statement to the test yourself if you want to. The next time you encounter a problem, try being still rather than tackling the problem.
We used to have to figure things out because we didn't Know anything.
Now that we're coming into some Knowingness, we don't have to do as much figuring, analyzing, crossing of fingers, or hoping. We can Know instead.
Saves a lot of time and wear and tear. That's what a miracle does. And Knowingness is a miracle.
For example, you've probably been in a tight spot once or twice. I was in one recently. I was stranded on a freeway in a remote area with no cell phone, no gps, no fellow passenger.
In a case like that it's the mind's job to start figuring, and figure fast.
So in comes reason, rationality, planning. Odds and percentages of getting out of the jam. In comes fear in the form of memories of old scary movies and hitch hikers and somebody knowing what I did last summer. In comes anger and self abuse about not having been prepared, like the Scouts say.
That's the way it has been and the way I defaulted to.
But the new way, the real way, is to be quiet and Know. By grace, Knowingness came over me slowly and fully and all by itself. This wouldn't have happened even a few years ago. Thank the accelerating Change.
With Knowingness you become certain of what is going on. You're clear about what is actual and what is nonsense.
Certainty and Knowingness are a comfort beyond price. When you are in them the figuring process evaporates, no longer needed. You Know. I Knew everything was just fine. Not was going to be fine but already was fine.
Have you heard stories of fighters on the battlefields of war who begin to Know, really Know, they are in mortal danger and then on the heels of that they experience a strong feeling of peace and acceptance? Knowing does that.
What we're afraid of is the things we don't Know. When we don't Know we use our imaginations to try to guess. What fuels this guessing game? Fear.
Knowingness vanquishes the fear and the game.
Here's another thing that's happening with this Ascension: there are times when people feel that they are better off without so many things. The fewer the possessions, the greater the sense of release. Of shackles coming off, of burdens being laid down.
Here's another: there are times now when people say goodbye to friends and lovers knowing that they aren't losing a thing. They realize nothing - especially love - is ever lost.
You can keep someone from you by clutching them so tightly they can't get away. Notice I said keep them from you.
But once you open your hands and release them, they're right with you. They do not belong to you but they do float right with you in the same stream you're in. Now that you've released them into the stream they're no longer strangling in your hands and inaccessible to you, like they were before.
You want them? Let them go. Even if the relationship is flourishing, let them go. Sure they can swim to a different stream. But there's only one ocean and everybody's in it together. So you haven't lost a thing.
Here's another, and the sweetest of all: You really don't need to do a thing.
You need do nothing; you just need to See something.
Words can't really say what that something is, but you'll know it when you See it. And maybe you'll giggle like one of those carvings of a beloved laughing Buddha image, whose mirth of understanding spills over and over, whose tears of joy fall graciously on those of us who were once dying of thirst.
Love to all,
Sunday, July 11, 2010
What's It Like?
What's it like? people ask me. They want to know more about signs and indicators that energy is moving into a new realm, and that they are moving right along with it.
So this message is only for those who feel they are in the ascension process.
And it is only for those who not only feel they are in the process but feel also that the following examples are not out of the realm of possibility for people in the process.
There's a lot that could be shared but I will keep this sample list short for now.
1) You might clearly remember doing something. You have no doubt you did it. But there's no physical evidence you did. And conversly, there is evidence that you did do something but you have no recollection at all of having done it.
For example you might know very well that you parked the car in the sunniest, warmest, part of the parking lot and you remember mentally grumbling about that as you walked into the store. Because the car will be like an oven inside by the time you return.
Then when you come out of the store the car isn't where you parked it. But you parked it there, you know you did. So where is it? Since you don't have an answer to that question you start to assume your memory's faulty. You thought you remembered where you parked but since the car isn't there you must have a poor sense of recall. That's how we use logic sometimes...we use it to doubt ourselves.
So you look and look and finally find the car parked under some shady trees many rows over. Pretty much where you'd wanted to park in the first place, but you'd gotten to the store so late all the good spots were already taken. And the car is nice and cool when you get in it and start it up and drive off.
How did the car get there? You didn't put it there so what's the explanation? Must be that your memory is even worse than you thought.
Not necessarily.
What exactly did happen?
There's more than one possible explanation. But the one that will be mentioned here is that you moved the car. That you did at first park it in the sun. But then you moved it to a shady parking space that was not available when you first arrived at the parking lot, but became available - somehow - some point after you arrived.
How did you do it?
Now we get to the crux of things for this summer of 2010.
There's something that might help you especially well in these days in which we're so rapidly approaching our culmination.
This is it: "How?" is no longer the question to ask first.
When you find the impossible happening in your world, rather than ask How ask When.
There are lots of ways to accomplish something here in our physical world. Lots of Hows. The fundamental thing is that you must have the time and space to do what you wish to accomplish. However you've managed to do something, you first achieved the more valuable goal of making the time and the space for it.
There's a place of no time and no space where anything is possible. As spirit we are intimately familiar with this place. It feels like home to us. But in our everyday lives we completely block our knowledge of the place from our everyday minds. Or rather we used to.
In the higher vibration environment we're now in, we are finding ourselves beginning to operate -- at a level that's at the very edges of being concious-- in that place of no space, no time.
That means that even while we are right here in our everyday physical 3D form, we are getting more concious of non linear time. And more frequently, and just a little bit more conciously, we are going out of time to do work for our 3 dimensional world.
That's one of the reasons all these amazing, incredible, events are happening. They've been happening for a long time but we didn't connect the dots between them and us.
Now we are especially noticing the events because we are bit by bit waking up to the recognition that we are doing them. And for every millimeter of our advance into recognition, the more capable we become of making the events we want.
2) You drop your keys. Luckily you hear them drop and pick them up, thinking I do not want to lose these keys! And you put them deep into your pocket where another set of keys is already. Now both sets are nice and safe in your pocket.
Later when you pull out of your pocket the keys that had dropped - they are hooked securely around the key ring that holds the other set of keys.
You know that all you did was put those keys into your pocket.
You realize there is no way that the one strong metal keyring with one set of keys on it could possibly have engaged itself, locked itself around, the other strong metal keyring which had the other set of keys on it. Keys don't do that, you think.
So what happened?
There are a number of things that could have happened. There are many possibilities, including someone somewhere helping you out.
The main thing is that your saying I do not want to lose these keys! most likely is what precipitated those keys getting locked around each other. Your strong statement made it happen, however it happened.
Here again is where it's helpful not to ask How but to instead ask When. You can account for every second you spent after putting the keys into your pocket and in none of those seconds did you hook one key ring into the other.
So When did this happen? When is the time that the keys became connected? If you can't find a second of time when you were locking those keyrings together then maybe they came together in no time.
3) You hear somebody come in through the front door, go straight to the kitchen and open the fridge. It's 4 pm so you figure it's your 13 year old just home from school. You stay in your room doing whatever you're doing.
At 4:30 you hear the front door open, somebody come in, close the door, and head straight to the kitchen and open the refrigerator.
You go see what's going on. It's your 13 year old.
Did you go out after you came home? you ask. The child doesn't know what you're talking about. He just now got home at 4:30.
You distinctly heard him (or someone with his step) come home at 4 pm. So what happened?
Probably you heard him come home before he came home. Sometimes events get ahead of themselves, particularly these days. The non linearity of time is being noticed more because it is becoming blatant to our 3D senses. And it's becoming blatant to our senses because we're becoming more concious.
Time and space are behaving very fluidly. Along with this we are beginning to conciously operate in time and space in ways that we used to do unconciously.
Facts are apparent now that weren't so apparent before. In a way they are new facts.
How you react to new facts is up to you. What use you make of any kinds of facts, new or old, is up to you. You have your choice and your will. Happy choosing!
Love to all..
So this message is only for those who feel they are in the ascension process.
And it is only for those who not only feel they are in the process but feel also that the following examples are not out of the realm of possibility for people in the process.
There's a lot that could be shared but I will keep this sample list short for now.
1) You might clearly remember doing something. You have no doubt you did it. But there's no physical evidence you did. And conversly, there is evidence that you did do something but you have no recollection at all of having done it.
For example you might know very well that you parked the car in the sunniest, warmest, part of the parking lot and you remember mentally grumbling about that as you walked into the store. Because the car will be like an oven inside by the time you return.
Then when you come out of the store the car isn't where you parked it. But you parked it there, you know you did. So where is it? Since you don't have an answer to that question you start to assume your memory's faulty. You thought you remembered where you parked but since the car isn't there you must have a poor sense of recall. That's how we use logic sometimes...we use it to doubt ourselves.
So you look and look and finally find the car parked under some shady trees many rows over. Pretty much where you'd wanted to park in the first place, but you'd gotten to the store so late all the good spots were already taken. And the car is nice and cool when you get in it and start it up and drive off.
How did the car get there? You didn't put it there so what's the explanation? Must be that your memory is even worse than you thought.
Not necessarily.
What exactly did happen?
There's more than one possible explanation. But the one that will be mentioned here is that you moved the car. That you did at first park it in the sun. But then you moved it to a shady parking space that was not available when you first arrived at the parking lot, but became available - somehow - some point after you arrived.
How did you do it?
Now we get to the crux of things for this summer of 2010.
There's something that might help you especially well in these days in which we're so rapidly approaching our culmination.
This is it: "How?" is no longer the question to ask first.
When you find the impossible happening in your world, rather than ask How ask When.
There are lots of ways to accomplish something here in our physical world. Lots of Hows. The fundamental thing is that you must have the time and space to do what you wish to accomplish. However you've managed to do something, you first achieved the more valuable goal of making the time and the space for it.
There's a place of no time and no space where anything is possible. As spirit we are intimately familiar with this place. It feels like home to us. But in our everyday lives we completely block our knowledge of the place from our everyday minds. Or rather we used to.
In the higher vibration environment we're now in, we are finding ourselves beginning to operate -- at a level that's at the very edges of being concious-- in that place of no space, no time.
That means that even while we are right here in our everyday physical 3D form, we are getting more concious of non linear time. And more frequently, and just a little bit more conciously, we are going out of time to do work for our 3 dimensional world.
That's one of the reasons all these amazing, incredible, events are happening. They've been happening for a long time but we didn't connect the dots between them and us.
Now we are especially noticing the events because we are bit by bit waking up to the recognition that we are doing them. And for every millimeter of our advance into recognition, the more capable we become of making the events we want.
2) You drop your keys. Luckily you hear them drop and pick them up, thinking I do not want to lose these keys! And you put them deep into your pocket where another set of keys is already. Now both sets are nice and safe in your pocket.
Later when you pull out of your pocket the keys that had dropped - they are hooked securely around the key ring that holds the other set of keys.
You know that all you did was put those keys into your pocket.
You realize there is no way that the one strong metal keyring with one set of keys on it could possibly have engaged itself, locked itself around, the other strong metal keyring which had the other set of keys on it. Keys don't do that, you think.
So what happened?
There are a number of things that could have happened. There are many possibilities, including someone somewhere helping you out.
The main thing is that your saying I do not want to lose these keys! most likely is what precipitated those keys getting locked around each other. Your strong statement made it happen, however it happened.
Here again is where it's helpful not to ask How but to instead ask When. You can account for every second you spent after putting the keys into your pocket and in none of those seconds did you hook one key ring into the other.
So When did this happen? When is the time that the keys became connected? If you can't find a second of time when you were locking those keyrings together then maybe they came together in no time.
3) You hear somebody come in through the front door, go straight to the kitchen and open the fridge. It's 4 pm so you figure it's your 13 year old just home from school. You stay in your room doing whatever you're doing.
At 4:30 you hear the front door open, somebody come in, close the door, and head straight to the kitchen and open the refrigerator.
You go see what's going on. It's your 13 year old.
Did you go out after you came home? you ask. The child doesn't know what you're talking about. He just now got home at 4:30.
You distinctly heard him (or someone with his step) come home at 4 pm. So what happened?
Probably you heard him come home before he came home. Sometimes events get ahead of themselves, particularly these days. The non linearity of time is being noticed more because it is becoming blatant to our 3D senses. And it's becoming blatant to our senses because we're becoming more concious.
Time and space are behaving very fluidly. Along with this we are beginning to conciously operate in time and space in ways that we used to do unconciously.
Facts are apparent now that weren't so apparent before. In a way they are new facts.
How you react to new facts is up to you. What use you make of any kinds of facts, new or old, is up to you. You have your choice and your will. Happy choosing!
Love to all..
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Make A Wish
If you notice something different in your environment, something that wasn't there before and you have no explanation for it, make a wish.
If you notice a situation has really changed, and there's no apparent reason for it, make a wish.
If you notice you feel very different from the way you did a moment ago, and you can't figure why, make a wish.
It's possible that these changes are indicators you are in a different reality. That you've changed realities.
This is a very powerful position to be in - a new arrival in a different reality. It's like the wind is at your back.
When you've newly arrived in a different reality, the energy at your disposal is relatively un-bogged down. It's relatively free of negativities and ideas about "the past" which often encumber us in our usual reality.
The key is to not shrug off little changes (or maybe huge changes) you see or feel here and there. Don't dismiss them. Nothing in your universe is there arbitrarily.
For example, one day I came home and the living room looked different. It looked bigger. By now I know not to say to myself "Oh, nonsense." But I temporarily forgot what I know. So the first reaction was unthinking and automatic, and the old way:
I thought, How can the living room be bigger now than it was this morning? It can't be!
Oops. I felt the wrongness of that thought as soon as I thought it. So I corrected it with Well I don't know why the living room looks bigger and more spacious but obviously something has changed.
"I don't know" provides an opening for reality to align itself to whatever you think or say next. "I don't know" does not bind energy, it unbinds it. Frees it up for whatever you have in mind.
So when my next thought was I sure would like a pizza tonight but it's raining so hard nobody wants to go get it.. so maybe I'll call for delivery.. and then the doorbell rings while I'm thinking that and it's the pizza delivery man with an extra large one.....well that whole scene is pretty self explanatory.
But then I mess up again! Because I think, as I open the door, This can't be. How can the pizza be here already when I haven't even.. And sure enough without me saying a word the pizza guy realizes he's got the wrong place and apologizes and goes on his way.
If I'd had the presence of mind to say Oh great, that was fast. Thanks, I'll take it -- the outcome would have been different.
Your world conforms to what you desire. However situations are sometimes more optimum for conforming than at other times. And being smack in the middle of a reality change - or newly arrived in a new reality - is one super charged time for conforming energy, or manifesting what you want.
To take advantage of this opportunity, you'd have to be able to recognize when a shift is happening or has recently happened.
The most common and basic clues to help you recognize a shift are mentioned at the beginning of this post.
There are other clues too. For example, you might hear your own Self telling you straight out that there's been a change. Or you might change realities while you're dreaming and then remember doing so when you wake up. And on top of that get proof of the change from your 5 physical senses.
When you've made a shift things can conform to your wishes very quickly. As usual the key is to notice. Don't shrug off, dismiss, or deny any clues. You could be in the center of a power point where you can conciously and easily shape your world.
If you notice a situation has really changed, and there's no apparent reason for it, make a wish.
If you notice you feel very different from the way you did a moment ago, and you can't figure why, make a wish.
It's possible that these changes are indicators you are in a different reality. That you've changed realities.
This is a very powerful position to be in - a new arrival in a different reality. It's like the wind is at your back.
When you've newly arrived in a different reality, the energy at your disposal is relatively un-bogged down. It's relatively free of negativities and ideas about "the past" which often encumber us in our usual reality.
The key is to not shrug off little changes (or maybe huge changes) you see or feel here and there. Don't dismiss them. Nothing in your universe is there arbitrarily.
For example, one day I came home and the living room looked different. It looked bigger. By now I know not to say to myself "Oh, nonsense." But I temporarily forgot what I know. So the first reaction was unthinking and automatic, and the old way:
I thought, How can the living room be bigger now than it was this morning? It can't be!
Oops. I felt the wrongness of that thought as soon as I thought it. So I corrected it with Well I don't know why the living room looks bigger and more spacious but obviously something has changed.
"I don't know" provides an opening for reality to align itself to whatever you think or say next. "I don't know" does not bind energy, it unbinds it. Frees it up for whatever you have in mind.
So when my next thought was I sure would like a pizza tonight but it's raining so hard nobody wants to go get it.. so maybe I'll call for delivery.. and then the doorbell rings while I'm thinking that and it's the pizza delivery man with an extra large one.....well that whole scene is pretty self explanatory.
But then I mess up again! Because I think, as I open the door, This can't be. How can the pizza be here already when I haven't even.. And sure enough without me saying a word the pizza guy realizes he's got the wrong place and apologizes and goes on his way.
If I'd had the presence of mind to say Oh great, that was fast. Thanks, I'll take it -- the outcome would have been different.
Your world conforms to what you desire. However situations are sometimes more optimum for conforming than at other times. And being smack in the middle of a reality change - or newly arrived in a new reality - is one super charged time for conforming energy, or manifesting what you want.
To take advantage of this opportunity, you'd have to be able to recognize when a shift is happening or has recently happened.
The most common and basic clues to help you recognize a shift are mentioned at the beginning of this post.
There are other clues too. For example, you might hear your own Self telling you straight out that there's been a change. Or you might change realities while you're dreaming and then remember doing so when you wake up. And on top of that get proof of the change from your 5 physical senses.
When you've made a shift things can conform to your wishes very quickly. As usual the key is to notice. Don't shrug off, dismiss, or deny any clues. You could be in the center of a power point where you can conciously and easily shape your world.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Your Heart Is Your Expense Account
What's happening with money?
In the western countries, the supply of money is rapidly diminishing for most and greatly increasing for a few.
Most money does not evaporate into the air. If the money in your bank account or your paycheck is less than what it was a year ago, that's not because the money vibrated to a different dimension. The money is located right here and now. It's just in someone else's possession.
So as much as we'd like to keep our money and all the things it's bought us, our money is going away.
Why? What's happening?
Basically, we're pulling away from money. No one is stealing it from us. It's going away because we are withdrawing our energy from it.
If we were supporting our money with our belief in it and our nurturing of it, it would stay with us. If we used it more and had more of it to use, it would stay with us. Not only that, it would multiply for us by attracting a lot of other money to it.
But we're not doing those things.
Instead we're withdrawing our energy from money because we've started seeing it for what it is, not for what we made it into. What it is is paper and metal discs.
These simple items used to have lots of value and power because we used to agree that we'd see them that way. We put our energy into money. We collectively propped money up with our ideas of power, productivity, usefulness, and most of all value. We built civilizations around it.
Those civilizations are in the process of crumbling, as you know. Doesn't it fit very well that the presence of money would now be contracting rather than expanding? Our ideas about money changed, then our economic systems began to crack. It didn't happen the other way around.
That means there's nothing wrong with you or anyone else if your money supply is dwindling. You're right in the swing of things.
You may protest "But I want money! I need money!" But you have experienced many times that anything you truly desire you get, and quicker and quicker. So where's the money you claim you want?
More importantly, why are you still grasping tightly to the idea of money as useful? "Because my bank wants it, my landlord wants it, the utilities want it, the supermarket wants it, my kid's school wants it, my wife wants it, the gas station wants it, my credit cards want it, my husband wants it, my retirement plan wants it, my insurance plan wants it.." Nowhere in there did I hear you say You wanted it.
Maybe in the higher reaches of your mind you know you have something else. Maybe this knowingness has trickled down into your conciousness.
Maybe you're beginning to realize no one has taken your money away. You have released it. And maybe you're starting to understand that you're in a new day.
In this day, your heart is your expense account.
Open your heart. Somebody has given you a letter of credit with no limit. Your expenses are covered. You've got backing all the way down the road and then some.
Allow this Love, because that's what your heart opens for, to flow into you and through you.
Feel gratitude.
Watch every single good thing begin to stream in to you. Pay attention.
We have no needs, we never have. But even at this stage of the game it's still a little fun to pretend we do, and pretend we have to pay prices.
Let this new way of feeling come into your experience. Don't abandon your old way just yet. Let the new way be gradual so things don't start feeling scarier than they already do and then start producing scary-based effects.
An economic system is crumbling. You are not. You existed long before the money you made, and you will continue to exist during money's peak and final deflation.
You are loved. By grace you have been safe in Love since you came into being.
Open up and let Love come through your heart. Take this literally. Let Love in. It has the power to transform everything, including the feeling of needing to rely on money.
In the western countries, the supply of money is rapidly diminishing for most and greatly increasing for a few.
Most money does not evaporate into the air. If the money in your bank account or your paycheck is less than what it was a year ago, that's not because the money vibrated to a different dimension. The money is located right here and now. It's just in someone else's possession.
So as much as we'd like to keep our money and all the things it's bought us, our money is going away.
Why? What's happening?
Basically, we're pulling away from money. No one is stealing it from us. It's going away because we are withdrawing our energy from it.
If we were supporting our money with our belief in it and our nurturing of it, it would stay with us. If we used it more and had more of it to use, it would stay with us. Not only that, it would multiply for us by attracting a lot of other money to it.
But we're not doing those things.
Instead we're withdrawing our energy from money because we've started seeing it for what it is, not for what we made it into. What it is is paper and metal discs.
These simple items used to have lots of value and power because we used to agree that we'd see them that way. We put our energy into money. We collectively propped money up with our ideas of power, productivity, usefulness, and most of all value. We built civilizations around it.
Those civilizations are in the process of crumbling, as you know. Doesn't it fit very well that the presence of money would now be contracting rather than expanding? Our ideas about money changed, then our economic systems began to crack. It didn't happen the other way around.
That means there's nothing wrong with you or anyone else if your money supply is dwindling. You're right in the swing of things.
You may protest "But I want money! I need money!" But you have experienced many times that anything you truly desire you get, and quicker and quicker. So where's the money you claim you want?
More importantly, why are you still grasping tightly to the idea of money as useful? "Because my bank wants it, my landlord wants it, the utilities want it, the supermarket wants it, my kid's school wants it, my wife wants it, the gas station wants it, my credit cards want it, my husband wants it, my retirement plan wants it, my insurance plan wants it.." Nowhere in there did I hear you say You wanted it.
Maybe in the higher reaches of your mind you know you have something else. Maybe this knowingness has trickled down into your conciousness.
Maybe you're beginning to realize no one has taken your money away. You have released it. And maybe you're starting to understand that you're in a new day.
In this day, your heart is your expense account.
Open your heart. Somebody has given you a letter of credit with no limit. Your expenses are covered. You've got backing all the way down the road and then some.
Allow this Love, because that's what your heart opens for, to flow into you and through you.
Feel gratitude.
Watch every single good thing begin to stream in to you. Pay attention.
We have no needs, we never have. But even at this stage of the game it's still a little fun to pretend we do, and pretend we have to pay prices.
Let this new way of feeling come into your experience. Don't abandon your old way just yet. Let the new way be gradual so things don't start feeling scarier than they already do and then start producing scary-based effects.
An economic system is crumbling. You are not. You existed long before the money you made, and you will continue to exist during money's peak and final deflation.
You are loved. By grace you have been safe in Love since you came into being.
Open up and let Love come through your heart. Take this literally. Let Love in. It has the power to transform everything, including the feeling of needing to rely on money.
Friday, January 29, 2010
How Can I Know Where I Am In The Process?
The number one answer to that question is, "Ask Your Self". Your Higher Self will tell you exactly where you are. It will tell you the actual fact in a way you'll understand. It's like that. You might get an answer immediately or you might get an answer
within a few hours or in a day. It won't take a long while.
"What if I don't have a speaking relationship with my Self?"
Establish one.
Sit down in a quiet place. Take a few slow, deep, breaths. Mentally say to your Self, "Hello." (Just to let your Self know you acknowlege its existence at last). Then say "Self, I am here. I want to establish communication with you. Right now I want to ask you Where Am I In The Ascension Process? I'm listening for your answer and no one else's."
"What if I don't get an answer?"
That would mean you're not listening. You may be wishing, hoping, guessing, wanting, or worst of all -- trying. Stop all that and listen.
There is no "how". Just relax and know that you are already open to hearing your Higher Self's voice. Relax in the knowledge that you are already capable of hearing quite clearly.
A second way to get an answer to How Can I Know Where I Am In The Ascension Process? is to observe your experience. Focus in on a particular time period. Maybe the last 30 days or maybe the last 1 year. Compare it to the 30 days before or the 1 year before. How are you doing?
Don't forget that not everything has to look wonderful at first glance to actually be of value. What is helpful is to look at the line, the overall trend up to now. How does that look? How do things feel? That's how you can know.
"What do I do after I find out?"
What do you want to do?
"Ramp up my progress."
There's really no need for you to do that but if you want to do that it's as good an activity as any other. There are lots of ways to ramp things up. Here's three:
a) dialog more often with your Higher Self
b) set aside 3 minutes a day for either meditation
objective (no judgement) observation of your own behavior
c) get physical exercise
"I just want to get off this train."
You can do that in lots of ways. Here's three:
a) see yourself getting safely off a train that has come to a full stop
b) tell your Higher Self that you choose not to be a part of
this higher vibration; that you want to continue on
in 3 dimensional experience
c) see yourself living life as you've mostly known it,
and to the best of your ability and with integrity
"I don't know, I don't know. Regarding this whole thing, maybe I just better wait."
"Wait? Hey that's him. I'm not waiting. I'm going to act now."
"But everything is not quite right yet! You should wait until things are more lined up. Wait til you have a better chance.."
That's an argument that's been made a lot. And it had a point once. It's just that what is happening now has nothing to do with chance. There is nothing to wait for anymore. You are at your crossroads. You are at the station. At this point one either gets on the train or off it. Waiting is inappropriate because the train has arrived - it is right here, right now.
Some of us are waiting not to get on or off but to make a choice about that. It's ok, all of it's ok. The blessings that are pouring down on us will dance right by our side until we feel we're ready to choose. The blessings are ours to keep, wherever we are, whatever we decide.
But don't expect time to wait. Time is the train and it's on its own schedule. It's here for us now but it won't be here indefinitely. It wasn't designed to be. Whatever you're going to choose, whatever you're going to do, this is the moment.
Love to all...
within a few hours or in a day. It won't take a long while.
"What if I don't have a speaking relationship with my Self?"
Establish one.
Sit down in a quiet place. Take a few slow, deep, breaths. Mentally say to your Self, "Hello." (Just to let your Self know you acknowlege its existence at last). Then say "Self, I am here. I want to establish communication with you. Right now I want to ask you Where Am I In The Ascension Process? I'm listening for your answer and no one else's."
"What if I don't get an answer?"
That would mean you're not listening. You may be wishing, hoping, guessing, wanting, or worst of all -- trying. Stop all that and listen.
There is no "how". Just relax and know that you are already open to hearing your Higher Self's voice. Relax in the knowledge that you are already capable of hearing quite clearly.
A second way to get an answer to How Can I Know Where I Am In The Ascension Process? is to observe your experience. Focus in on a particular time period. Maybe the last 30 days or maybe the last 1 year. Compare it to the 30 days before or the 1 year before. How are you doing?
Don't forget that not everything has to look wonderful at first glance to actually be of value. What is helpful is to look at the line, the overall trend up to now. How does that look? How do things feel? That's how you can know.
"What do I do after I find out?"
What do you want to do?
"Ramp up my progress."
There's really no need for you to do that but if you want to do that it's as good an activity as any other. There are lots of ways to ramp things up. Here's three:
a) dialog more often with your Higher Self
b) set aside 3 minutes a day for either meditation
objective (no judgement) observation of your own behavior
c) get physical exercise
"I just want to get off this train."
You can do that in lots of ways. Here's three:
a) see yourself getting safely off a train that has come to a full stop
b) tell your Higher Self that you choose not to be a part of
this higher vibration; that you want to continue on
in 3 dimensional experience
c) see yourself living life as you've mostly known it,
and to the best of your ability and with integrity
"I don't know, I don't know. Regarding this whole thing, maybe I just better wait."
"Wait? Hey that's him. I'm not waiting. I'm going to act now."
"But everything is not quite right yet! You should wait until things are more lined up. Wait til you have a better chance.."
That's an argument that's been made a lot. And it had a point once. It's just that what is happening now has nothing to do with chance. There is nothing to wait for anymore. You are at your crossroads. You are at the station. At this point one either gets on the train or off it. Waiting is inappropriate because the train has arrived - it is right here, right now.
Some of us are waiting not to get on or off but to make a choice about that. It's ok, all of it's ok. The blessings that are pouring down on us will dance right by our side until we feel we're ready to choose. The blessings are ours to keep, wherever we are, whatever we decide.
But don't expect time to wait. Time is the train and it's on its own schedule. It's here for us now but it won't be here indefinitely. It wasn't designed to be. Whatever you're going to choose, whatever you're going to do, this is the moment.
Love to all...
Friday, January 22, 2010
Using Your Dreams To Become Your Self
In this ascension process you might have come to realize and accept that you are a multi-dimensional being. You are living many "lives" simultaneously, right this minute.
This fact may have come to you like a packet of light bursting open above your head.
It might have come as an experience of your heart opening in a big way.
It might have come in your mind's vision. You might have actually seen yourself living, acting, feeling, being, in an environment other than this one. In a setting of "the past", "the present", or "the future". You might have looked like you do now, or you might have looked slightly different or you might have looked way different. But you know it's you.
Or, the fact might have come to you because of a dream.
As stunning as it can be to realize that you are a multidimensional being, there's an even bigger discovey ahead. As if heightened mobility like multidimensionality weren't gift enough, you get more: the opportunity to become healed and whole. And to experience the new level of living that goes with that.
Here's an example. When you wake up from a dream and clearly remember it, you see yourself in the dream interacting with others and doing whatever you're doing.
But while you are dreaming, do you clearly remember that you are actually asleep in your place right here on earth in this time period?
It's beneficial to remember that, and quite possible.
Because something happens when your other you 's - in dreams or otherwise - start becoming aware of the you right here.
When your other you's start to remember that they are you, you all begin to unify. And when you start coming together, pulling your selves together, you gain energetically. You begin to be one whole being instead of multiple splinters. You all become more of your Higher Self. You regain your natural abilities that have gone unused for so long. Abilities that once seemed possible only in legends and tales.
As the process of integration continues you start to take more charge of your experiences. Happily, you've already started taking charge of your experiences to an increasing degree. The synchronicities and miracles showing up in your life are evidence of that.
But now you have another tool - dreams - to give you yet another boost. You can use your dream time in every 24 hour cycle to enhance your becoming. Then things will move even faster. Which is helpful if you plan to stay in this accelerated time as long as possible.
Once you're in charge of your experiences more than you're the effect of them, everything changes. Once you are the concious creator of what goes on in your world, you're over the hurdle. You've pretty much won the game.
Before you go to sleep say, "While I'm dreaming, I'm going to remember who I am." Eventually during dreams you will have concious awareness that you are here on earth, dreaming of yourself in one of your other life experiences. That you in the other life experience is a gold mine of energy that you can integrate into yourself, and the other you can integrate you into him/herself. It's all you.
Now is the time to conciously remember all of who you are and not forget it again. You're going to use this information more and more. We have loads of help with this and any other effort to move ourselves up. Ask for help from whomever you trust. You have loving friends all around who are waiting for a word from you, just waiting for you to ask.
Love to all..
This fact may have come to you like a packet of light bursting open above your head.
It might have come as an experience of your heart opening in a big way.
It might have come in your mind's vision. You might have actually seen yourself living, acting, feeling, being, in an environment other than this one. In a setting of "the past", "the present", or "the future". You might have looked like you do now, or you might have looked slightly different or you might have looked way different. But you know it's you.
Or, the fact might have come to you because of a dream.
As stunning as it can be to realize that you are a multidimensional being, there's an even bigger discovey ahead. As if heightened mobility like multidimensionality weren't gift enough, you get more: the opportunity to become healed and whole. And to experience the new level of living that goes with that.
Here's an example. When you wake up from a dream and clearly remember it, you see yourself in the dream interacting with others and doing whatever you're doing.
But while you are dreaming, do you clearly remember that you are actually asleep in your place right here on earth in this time period?
It's beneficial to remember that, and quite possible.
Because something happens when your other you 's - in dreams or otherwise - start becoming aware of the you right here.
When your other you's start to remember that they are you, you all begin to unify. And when you start coming together, pulling your selves together, you gain energetically. You begin to be one whole being instead of multiple splinters. You all become more of your Higher Self. You regain your natural abilities that have gone unused for so long. Abilities that once seemed possible only in legends and tales.
As the process of integration continues you start to take more charge of your experiences. Happily, you've already started taking charge of your experiences to an increasing degree. The synchronicities and miracles showing up in your life are evidence of that.
But now you have another tool - dreams - to give you yet another boost. You can use your dream time in every 24 hour cycle to enhance your becoming. Then things will move even faster. Which is helpful if you plan to stay in this accelerated time as long as possible.
Once you're in charge of your experiences more than you're the effect of them, everything changes. Once you are the concious creator of what goes on in your world, you're over the hurdle. You've pretty much won the game.
Before you go to sleep say, "While I'm dreaming, I'm going to remember who I am." Eventually during dreams you will have concious awareness that you are here on earth, dreaming of yourself in one of your other life experiences. That you in the other life experience is a gold mine of energy that you can integrate into yourself, and the other you can integrate you into him/herself. It's all you.
Now is the time to conciously remember all of who you are and not forget it again. You're going to use this information more and more. We have loads of help with this and any other effort to move ourselves up. Ask for help from whomever you trust. You have loving friends all around who are waiting for a word from you, just waiting for you to ask.
Love to all..
Monday, January 11, 2010
Where Are We Now?
If you're readier now than you were in 2008 - 2009 you might be feeling a bit of the blahs. Sometimes it seems like absolutely nothing is happening. Kind of like a 13 year old whose hormones are raging but whose life keeps plodding boringly along. Please know that it only seems that way. Plenty is happening.
This is 2010 and by most accounts by the end of 2012 those of us who want it will definitely be out of the blahs - to say the least. We'll be in a surge of energy like we've never known. It's hard to imagine something we've never known so enough said. But the new way is supposed to be very fulfilling. If some of the indicators we've already experienced are any clue, the future is bright indeed.
A suggestion for making it through the doldrums is to play. Try manifesting something; that can be a lot of fun when done with a light touch. Don't really care if it happens or not. And make it something small. How about a piece of shiny red cloth, or maybe a baseball. Something you don't ordinarily see around you all the time.
Take a brisk walk. Play a Wii game. Do some stretching or get on the treadmill.
Try meditating. By that I mean go to a quiet place and be still and take a few deep breaths and watch your thoughts float by. Meditation is arguably the number one mood lifter. (Some swear it's physical exercise that's number one. Ok.)
Try smiling and being cheerful. No matter how you really feel. Try laughing. Watch a movie or tv show. Or read a newspaper. The point is to have a good laugh and release some negativity.
Have a talk with your Self. It can be very rewarding. If you know your Self has come, tell it what you need.
All these can change your mood. You don't have to be in a good mood first. Try some of these and then the good mood comes in warmly afterwards.
Much love..
This is 2010 and by most accounts by the end of 2012 those of us who want it will definitely be out of the blahs - to say the least. We'll be in a surge of energy like we've never known. It's hard to imagine something we've never known so enough said. But the new way is supposed to be very fulfilling. If some of the indicators we've already experienced are any clue, the future is bright indeed.
A suggestion for making it through the doldrums is to play. Try manifesting something; that can be a lot of fun when done with a light touch. Don't really care if it happens or not. And make it something small. How about a piece of shiny red cloth, or maybe a baseball. Something you don't ordinarily see around you all the time.
Take a brisk walk. Play a Wii game. Do some stretching or get on the treadmill.
Try meditating. By that I mean go to a quiet place and be still and take a few deep breaths and watch your thoughts float by. Meditation is arguably the number one mood lifter. (Some swear it's physical exercise that's number one. Ok.)
Try smiling and being cheerful. No matter how you really feel. Try laughing. Watch a movie or tv show. Or read a newspaper. The point is to have a good laugh and release some negativity.
Have a talk with your Self. It can be very rewarding. If you know your Self has come, tell it what you need.
All these can change your mood. You don't have to be in a good mood first. Try some of these and then the good mood comes in warmly afterwards.
Much love..
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