Sunday, August 30, 2009

Stray Thought

People are starting to notice the phenomenon of the stray thought.

The stray thought seems to just whimsically enter your head. It's like a little piece of paper floating by. No particular weight on it, no big emotional charge to it. Just a ho-hum, "whatever" kind of thought.

And suddenly it amazes you by powerfully attracting thoughts like itself. You'll see them. And then ultimately it manifests, powered by your desire, its real world counterpart, right in front of you. And you might think, my goodness! What has happened here?

Often the stray thought is a question of some kind. "I wonder what ever happened to ..." someone you went to school with maybe, or someone you met at a social event. And you get a call from someone who knows someone who saw that someone you were wondering about. Or you think, "I wonder what they're doing with my job application #47. It's been so long. Oh well." (Yes, the job market appears to be a mess, but we don't go by appearances like we used to). And in the morning there's an email saying they've reviewed your application and would like you to call to arrange an interview.

Or like what happened to me the other day. "I wonder where that present is, the one B gave me when he came back from Dubai in 1999. " And then suddenly the tv's talking about Dubai; the entertainment section of an old 2008 newspaper is on the table (all by itself!) at the cafe we're visiting and it's featured article is about a Di Caprio movie set partly in Dubai; a friend sends me an email about some super tall building in Dubai from whose top floor some people swear they can feel the earth rotate or some such nonsense.

The stray thought. Light and easy, but within a short time it brings the thinker a solid representation of itself. It manifests smoothly and quickly.

Why is that?

We've seen many of our other thoughts stubbornly refuse to materialize at all. "I've got to get that promotion. Just got to. Give me that promotion!" Or "I wish I could win the lottery, if only I could win the lottery, let me win the lottery, let this be my lottery.. " Or "Please, please let it be all right. Just let it be all right!"

Why is it so hard to get those wishes to come true?

Probably too much weight on them. Desperation is weight. Fear is weight. If you can manage to --- stop, look, and listen. (Yes, there it is again.) Breathe. Give yourself a break. Ease up. Go do something fun. Listen to some music. Get some exercise.

Your desire, your thought, will still be with you. Now it has a chance to soar free. You've taken the weight off. You've released your grip on fear and other negativity. They were swirling around your wish! You've allowed your wish to shed them.

You've made your wish happy go lucky, like a stray thought. You have let go. You can let go again if you want. You can let go 10 times or more, nothing bad will happen. Every time you let go you free up energy and create some space. Let go. Do it till you feel it's done. You'll know when it's time to let go of letting go.

And when you feel it, that ineffable something, you'll know the manifestation of your desire is complete. All you need do now is pay attention so you don't miss it.

Love to all...

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